arideden angels
Our Eden of Wolwedans tends to attract the attention of some very special people, many of whom share our vision and are inspired by what we are doing in this desert environment. Some have access to financial means that would enable The AridEden Project to achieve the scale necessary to establish strong foundations for lasting impact – real sustainability, meaningful development, and resilience at a regional level. We think of them as the Angels of our AridEden...
Over the next ten years, Wolwedans seeks to encourage 25 'AridEden Angels' to put their shoulder to the wheel in support of the ambitious Wolwedans Vision 2030 - AridEden Project. ‘AridEden Angels’ would provide funding for the Foundation through a combination of interest-free loans and grants (philanthropy), split roughly 50|50 and channeled into a variety of projects, for the benefit of people, planet and profit.