waldorf school windhoek
Wolwedans has identified the Waldorf School Windhoek as a ‘feeder’ institution; learners are potential candidates for the vocational training programmes offered at the Wolwedans Desert Academy and NICE. To strengthen and nurture this transition, Wolwedans facilitates Level 2 vocational training in Hospitality at the school and then takes on ‘hopefuls’ for Level 3 training at the Desert Academy. In the not-too-distant future (thanks, in part, to The AridEden Project), this will be supplemented with training on Facility Maintenance as well as Horticulture, complete with the construction of a greenhouse to enable hands-on learning in a living horticulture classroom.
Making such learning opportunities a reality is largely dependent on securing financial means for learners whose families cannot afford the vocational training co-payment; Waldorf is an integrated school where 75% of learners are from disadvantaged backgrounds. For more information on how to bring these life-changing opportunities to fruition, refer to our Education Assistance Fund.
To learn more about Waldorf School Windhoek visit http://waldorf-namibia.org/.